Futuristic Astronomy
You are sent to an all important mission in a long abandoned part of the universe, can you make it out alive?
You wake up in a landing pod. Your destination? Earth, Sector α.
After a less than soft landing, a voice greets you through the radio. The operator on the other end informs you that you've volunteered yourself into a mission, meant to collect and return resources exclusive to this particular part of the universe.
As you start to regain consciousness, a mechanical door opens to reveal a beatiful nightly sky.
Explore the universe, collect and automate materials, find and connect with what's left of the flora and fauna, and discover what secrets this ancient sector holds.
- Minimal: 6 GB
- Recommended: 8 GB
We develop Minecraft modpacks for 1.16.5
The word "modpack" has recently been tainted by the overwhelming quantity of low-tier sludge being uploaded to the internet everyday by people who have no idea what they are doing, most of them simply throwing in a bunch of mods together with no regard to their intercompatiblity whatsoever.
We are, however, looking to provide a change. We've been inspired by modpacks that the player can truly enjoy for prolonged amounts of time - such gems as Divine Journey 1/2, The Enigmatica Series, Nomifactory, Create Above and Beyond, GregTech: New Horizons and any other pack which is simply fun to discover and play.
No "Kitchen Sink" bullshit, progression-based is the only way to go. There is only so much you can do without completely overhauling the way the player is supposed to progress through and eventually beat the game. We don't deny that vanilla+ can be fun for some if done properly, however, most of us came to the modded scene because we were tired of vanilla, and we believe that if you are burned out of the unmodded experience, you shouldn't desire something that is meant to mimic it.
We design our modpacks as if they were games, and we dream to create 16 of them. We know our goal is unrealistic, and that's why we consider it secondary over delivering quality experiences to you and other members of the community regardless of their preference or skill. Just pick a modpack at random and see if it fits you!
Not enough for you?
Check out our partners' modpacks!
Partners are not directly affiliated with Modern Modpacks, but we trust them enough to put their modpacks here.
Want to become a partner? Shoot us a DM on Discord and we'll see what we can do!

GregTech: Beyond
A GregTech modpack meticulously designed to be as complex as possible while still maintaining the freedom unique to Minecraft
GregTech Beyond integrates and combines mods such as Gregtech, Nuclearcraft, Pneumaticraft, AE2, Thermal Foundation and many more.
Optionally become a master magician using Thaumcraft. Start your apricaltural empire and become the richest human alive using Forestry bees. Venture into the depths of the void.
Mine entire planets and even galaxies using Galactical Miners. Send space missions using your Astro Mining Stations.
Always remember the most important phrase: Grow the factory.
We also make mods
Our subsidiary organization, Hellish Mods, specializes on making mods for Forge 1.16.5; with the main focus being on utility mods and forks/ports of other mods that have been discontinued for that specific version, or were never on 1.16 in the first place.
Since our main goal is still to make modpacks, usually we don't make big content mods unless we decide we want/have to, and just make small projects to complement the modpack we are currently working on by adding features we cannot implement through other means.
Our utility mods, while still being made out of the necessity for projects that haven't been made yet, are never made to be hyper-specific, which makes them useful for other modpack authors or individual players as well.
Forks of other open-source mods are also usually made by us for the same reasons and with the same intentions. When we fork a project, we don't just add things specifically we need, we also add other features highly requested by the community.
Ports help us keep our prefered version alive, by modernizing abandoned mods made for versions such as 1.12.2/1.7.10; and backporting mods from newer versions such as 1.18.2/1.20.1.
Our mods are at their best when used in our modpacks, so if you as a player want to try out what's included in them, we recommend you download one of the packs in the section above!
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Welcome to our ecosystem
And it doesn't even end at mods either! We have a lot of projects that can't be classified as mods or modpacks. Among them are useful development utilities, fun websites, Discord bots, and even modloaders! If any of these things peaked your interest, be sure to check these side-projects out.